Heads of New Zealand

Empire of New Zealand

Commissioners-General of the Lands of the Hamburg Colonization Society

-Hokianga and Chatham Islands

1834-1862: Charles de Thierry

-had previously purchased 40,000 acres from Hongi Hika when he was in the British Isles

-after Popular Revolution (Heads of British Isles > 1827-1829 Henry Vassall-Fox, Baron Holland (Whig)), he moves to Germany

-gets funding from enough investors eventually to form a Colonization Society

-with this support, travels to New Zealand, gets a cession of less than that much land

-a deal he seals by selling a bunch more muskets to Hongi Hika

-soon afterwards also sets up settlement in Chatham Islands

-brings in German settlers

-many of them soon leave for Australian Gold Rush

-settlement of Neu-Hamburg still emerges, sells guns to Ngapuhi in return for grain

-during French Wars > Third French War (1847-1854), Chatham Islands get sacked by French ships

-reconstructed with stone afterwards

-with nationalist outpouring following war, this becomes a national cause

-more proper settlement of colony emerges

-but for the most part settlement largely around Hokianga Colony

-missionaries achieve some success in colonies

-with them often requiring converts to live "civilized" existence in separate villages

-attempted putsch fails, Thierry retains enough support from Hamburg

-Otago Gold Rush happens in New Munster, results in another round of migration

-Thierry causes controversy when he tries to attract non-German immigrants in aftermath of this

-and removed from office soon afterwards by Hamburger directors

1862-1869: Adolph Schramm

-sees new initiative to colonize

-more successful because Otago Gold Rush has come to an end so less settlers drawn off

-also because of increased German national spirit sees focus here

-Schramm returns to Germany after having made new trade ties

1869-1878: Friedrich Fabri

-missionary in area selected for this purpose

-ramps up missionary work as such

-and enhances existing Protestant tint to movement

-continues buildup of colony

-along with conversion efforts and settlement of converts inside

-returns after this, with efforts underway, to push them forward

1878-1888: Friedrich Armand Strubberg

-appointed following this stuff

-faced with French Wars > Fourth French War (1880-4)

-French attack on colony, a raid of some limited capacity

-limited b/c British presence in region

-but nevertheless limited

-greatly limits trade though

1888-1897: Ludwig Alexander von Battenberg

1897: Colony sold to the British under the Treaty of Hamburg (1897)

-descended from morganatic marriage of a Hessian prince with a commoner

-son is more famous for his career at center of govt

-involvement in navy and Colonization Society makes him obvious pick

-considered he can protect colony as well

-with French Wars > Fifth French War (1890-5), not enough of a colony to go after French

-but enough he can deflect attacks

-which are more serious thanks to British much more wary of Germany

-postwar, colony transferred to British under Treaty of Hamburg

-shareholders with immediacy status bound to sell by this treaty, central German govt buys enough shares they can pass sale through